søndag 14. april 2019

Love less - live more: The Minimalist home


Joshua Becker - Minimalisten over alle minimalister:

  1. Get clear on your goal and your purpose: I desire to own less, so that I can .... what? Put whatever you want in there: your goals are different than anybody else. 
  2. Include your familiy as much as you can in the prosess: let them know why you're doing it. 
  3. Work room by room: from the easiest to the hardest. Start with your car, livingroom, bathroom ... handle every single item in the room and sort them in: 
    1. Relocated (to a new spot)
    2. Reamain: Stay in the room
    3. Remooved (this is where the benefits begin to pay off
      1. Trashed
      2. Recycle 
      3. Donated
  4. Have fun with it, and notice the benefits as they rise: are you saving time? money? ... they will motive you to the next space in your house. 
7 Daily Habits for a Clutter-Free Home: 

  1. Handel physical mail emediately
  2. Clean dishes emediately after every meal
  3. Make your bed every singel morning
  4. Keep your counter cleen and clair
  5. If you can do something in less than 2 min. - do it
  6. Put things back to place before bedtime. 
  7. When ever you encounter an overfilled space, take them to your donate pile

7 Problems solved by owning less: 
  1. Not enough money: bying things we dont need
  2. Not enough time in the day: time we spent working on our things - mantainance 
  3. Less time cleaning: owning fewer things make a cleaner home
  4. Not enough space: house to small, livingspace to small, 
  5. To much stress: increased possesions
  6. I dont know what to wear in the morning
  7. Discontent: I wish I had this and that. Find contentment in what you have - realize you have enough - appreciate things. 

lørdag 13. april 2019

Minimal Mom :: Simplify your wardrobe!


5 tops for proffesional
3 bottoms: 2 jeans 1 pair of black jeans

5 tops for around the house (nice enough to stop by at job)
3 bottoms

5 tops for casual (date, lunch)
2 bottoms

2 dressses

Work - boots


One bag for donation and one for season:

  • Out of season stuff - put it away
  • Everything that haunts you (doesnt fit)

45 Piece Wardrobe :: Winter Edition

45 pieces: not including workout, pj's and underwear, fanzy dresses and shoes
Ones a month I go threw my closet, and get rid of an item I have not worn.

  • 20 combined shirt jacket and dresses
  • 5 pants
  • 6 pairs of shoes
  • 10 sweaters
Recommended basics: 
  • 5 turtle necks: black, brown, grey, colored, white/cream
  • 5 t-shirts: black, brown, grey, colored, white/cream
  • 3 shirts - button down: white and black
  • 3 simple dresses: warm one, t-shirt-dress, cute/fun dress
  • cozy sweather: feel great, fit well - keep them oversized
  • jackets: huge warm fashionable warm winter jacket (dunjakke), small warm coat (dun), blazers
  • 3 pair jeans that fit very well, including a black pair of skinny jeans
  • 2 pair of trousers (dressbukser)
  • 2 pair of leggings to wear at home
  • overalls (snekkerbukse) (yikes)
  • sneakers (converse/joggesko)
  • flat shoe
  • rain boot
  • fanzy boot /skoletter/støvletter