onsdag 20. mars 2019


How do you get up early? - Become a memeber of the 5 hour club!

  1. Get superfit and you need less sleep. He who sweats more in training, bleeds less in war! Willpower at the strongest. 5 - 8 oclock, most wilpower, most mental focus and most energy! The 3 golden hours! Training, practice or personal development. The rest of the world is asleep! You will feel brave, strong and like a leeder! It take 66 days to make a habit. Change is hard in the beginning, messy in the middle and glorious in the end. 
  2. Get a massage - every single weekend, its an investement - increase sirculation
  3. Your diet: eat every 4 hours - eat less food, manage your diet and you vill need less sleep - dont eat after 8 o clock. 
  4. Get up in the morning and take the time to write your journal. 
  5. Learn to love your job! Find ways to be pationate in your job. Few things create more energy - find purpose in your work. 

20 - 20 - 20 RULE: 5 o' clock every single morning - build considency!
The things that you scedule are the things that get done!

05:00 - 05:20: Trening: release dopamin - release serotonin
05:20 - 05:40: Refleksjon: review you plan, your goals, and purpose
05:40 - 06:00: Læring: Read, write, listen to audiobooks, study - as you know more you can see around corners

You have to get a great night sleep:
Low stimulation enviroment.
Put your alarmclock away - on the other side of your bedroom - or outside of your bedroom.
Jump out of bed! Rituals work - willpower do not! Create a rituale.

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