lørdag 18. mai 2019

Jay Shetty Podcast :: 8 Ways We Waste Money and 8 Ways to Manage It Better

  • Make sure you save before you spend, not the other way around!
  • Spend no more than 25% on rent
  • Spend no more than 15% on food: Health is the best investment: If you dont investment in you wellness, you will invest in your illness! Helthy organic food! Do not comprimize on your health.  Your health is the only way anything else will happend. Wellness can be expensive, but its a lot more cheeper than illness!
  • Spend no more than 10% on entertainment
  • Spend no more than 5% on vacations
  • Spend 10-25% on personal growth - to reach your financial goals. Money cant buy us happiness, but they give you a strong fundation to move forward on. Be good with your money.  Read, listen to podcast, study ...
  • Give a few hours a week of your time to charity: it will give you more confident, more energy, and maybe the best investment of your life. We uncover our strength, passion and ... We find ourself, when we loose ourselves in the service of others. 
  • DONT GAMBLE: 77% of those who struggle financially gamble. Is's addictive. It's only a path to loosing - for you, your familiy and the people around you. 
  • Find rolemodels who spend their money well. Spend time with people who spend money wizely. You may not have money to invest, but spend the time with the ones who spend their money well. 

Link from the youtube podcast: 

"Don't save what's left after spending, save what's left after saving." Warren Buffet

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