torsdag 7. februar 2019

2019: Dag 86 - Urban podcast :: free

31. day food revolution!

1/3 of our kids are doomed to get diabetes. We have the capacity with our food choises to change this. The book is all about actions. 4 stages of the journey:
  1. detoxify
  2. nutrious
  3. gather (build your tribe), 
  4. transform: be a part of the world to transform for the better - to help climachange, to help create a system for change 
In your power, you can:

  1. Eat less meat (saves a lot of water)
  2. Go plant based 
What makes the book uniq: 
  • Action - in every chapter
  • Look at food personally, socially and systemically: what you eat becomes you, but impact everybody - the food culture harm itself
  • Tell how you can participate to heal the culture

Food 1.0: Survival - stop hunger
Food 2.0: Commerce - unfortinately corrupt
Food 3.0: Health

The book will help you to be true to your values, and help you navigate your relationships. How can you eliminate some of the worst defenders. Use glasscontainers instead of plastic. How to eat more vedgebels. The human and social dimention of foods. Be a souce of health.

One of the epidemics of the modern world is lonelyness. How can we gap this with food? Creating web connections, and conversation about what matters.

Patterns: creating the habits and the structure is the best use of willpower

Your past is the author of most of the choises you make
Your habits are the author of most of the choises you think you make

Make the choises concious to enable you to get the result what you want in your life:
- what you shop
- where you shop
- what you buy
- who you eat with
- what you eat

Take a look at your vision for dreams: where children can play happily, where people are healty and live long. We realize its a gap, and I would say that each of us can contribute. Be the change. We can shift from being active consumers to be active participants. Something we create. Declare yourself a food revolutionary, and join me!

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