onsdag 1. januar 2020

Thoughts for the new year - Happy new year!

For a year we remove them each day one bye one
Now nearly all of our calendar pages are gone
So as we pay off the last page from the sheef
It's a good time to challenge existing belives
We could start the new year how we enden the last
But growth come threw change, not reliveing the past

And if what you choose is to make this year better
You can and you must, or you'll be slitely deader
Cause to really live life we must always be growing
And increasing the number of things we not knowing
Which shouldn't be hard when you think of the truth
There's a ton we don't know, for each ounce that we do

And at least 28 grams that we know
Are in fact things we think, that are really not so
And if that sounds silly and hard to admit
Or even proposterit or maybe bull shit

You should know that the largest of possible fields
and the one that provide you the greatest of yields
Isn't that what you don't know that you don't know or true
Tho these two things may seam to define you is true
But rather stuff you don't know that you don't know is true
Which is close to a 100 % just below

And if you keep open your eyes, brain and heart
And you live long enough you can make a good start
So this is a powerful thing to recall
Compared to what we could be, we're really quite small

But bigger we can get each year, month and day
And bigger we'll get when we concious will stay
And I don't mean our belt size, theres no need for that
From our waist and our head we can clean out the fat
Cause we wanna be strong, fit and slender and sleek
For both physical healt and the enlightend that we seek

Every part of our beeing is intementley connected
So the focus on any one part is misdirected
Unless you want a brain much to big for your head
It might be smarter to balance it all well instead
And biseps and triseps that won't fit in your shirt
Won't even help you, and might even hurt

But if you put intention to all of these things
You'll make better choises, with all that that brings
And if you could remember you're always creating
You won't be complaining nor always negating
The things in your life that you don't think are good
Or the many that just don't behave like they should

And the stuff that you know is so bad, maybe is not
And remembering that we don't always no souch a line
Can help us to see all the value that's hidden
When ever things happend that we wish it didn't

So if something shows up you don't want in your life
You can point at your husband, or just blame your wife
But if you do either of these, or both
You're being untrue from your head to your toe
Cause no matter what person or thing you may blame
You're seriously misguided in where you have aimed

You have the power, and every excuse
Is ignoring the fact that you always can choose
And it isn't what happens, happy or sad
And it makes no difference if it seems good or bad
Its just what you do with the stuff that showes up
And weather you see both intended
And pay close intention to how you'll send it
So know what it is that you're wanting to see
And know you deserve it, and finally

Let the universe know that your filled with the stuff we call gratitude, and it'll be enough
So you always be will be right in this game
No matter if your thoughts are crazy or sane
And if you think that there is never enough, than there won't be
And if you're thinking of thinking this way than please don't be
Cause to think that you can have whatever you choose
Is at least twice as easy and asures you can't loose

So belive in yourself, you're all that you've got
And when you know your power, you'll know thats a lot
And from this day onward, as you sally forth
Your creating your life, and your health and your worth

By the things that you think, and the things that you say
So you might wanna focus on living the way
That you know is the best for yourself and the world
And when your life is over, and it's all unfurled
Folks will look back at your life and your work,
And they'll know that you weren't just som regular jerk

But like Mitus, the things you touched turned to gold
And they'll know that it happend because you were bold
And when all the comments and talking have ceased
Alle will know that your life was the great master piece

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