søndag 27. januar 2019

2019: Dag 75: Dr. Mimi Guarneri - The Art of Anti Aging

Filmen her er en kort introduksjon av Dr. Mimi Guarneri som er hjertespesialist, som stiller spørsmålene bak helserelaterte hjerteproblemer. Nedenfor er et linken til et intervju hvor hennes viktigste råd for et langt og godt liv til personlig god helse og alderdom.

Mimi Guarneri - Cardiologist:: Interview with Charles Shultz (ca. 30 min ut i podcasten)

Mine notater: 

What is the most important thing?


What kind of foods do we put into our body? - physically and in our thoughts ... the  emotional food we eat ...

Ego and fair:
Two main emotions - love and fair.
- what are you afraid of?
- what are my thoughts - is it serving you? if not its interupting (negative thoughts) - take a timeout - breath. We're all in this togheter.
Avoid turning on your stresshormones - they make you sick.
Anger increases heart attack with 230%!

Why is it essentel to fealing well in the long run?
Its only hurting you, so forgivness is the best medisin (you call the spirit back, and it makes you sick). Ba a positiv light in the world. Look at your story, and figure out how you are attached to your story.
One simple little prayer: I forgive you, I forgive me - we forgive each other. Negative thoghts are anger. Our words are negative, is like shooting arrows at someone. Either cause serious harm, or find the love emotions. Maybe love trumphs vedgebels ... If you eat vedgebels with anger in your heart, it's not gonna help you.

Love as medicin:
Medical doctors are great if you need a surgery. The spirituality in health is important, but the training in medical health is very poor for body, mind and spirit. Its more important than what you eat (stress causes more harm).


  • Food: they eat very well
  • Active: they are active
  • Purpose in the life: they have a passion
Skin: Hydrate yourself - drink water and keep yourself hydrated!

What is your second most essential thing for living a long life.
  • Emotional food
  • Physical food
  • Mental food
Fundamental engredient to life:
If a tree is sick, you have to go into the roots:
  • nutritient - micro nutrition
  • physical activity
  • sleep 
Are we coming from a place of love, do we have a purpose?
What if we dont know what our purpose is?
Ask yourself what your passion is. You have got to have a reason for getting up in the morning. Is it to teach your grandchildren to read?

Shortness of breath. A purpose is sometimes more effective than a bypass (operation).
There is plenty you can do. Frivillig arbeid ...

Your enviroment: 
Most of the news are fairebased - toxins. Bring nature into the home; flowers, sunlight ... Have a seacret space for meditation, or listen to music - play chants, classic music. Play positive things so that your monkey mind is avoided. Have som pleasant smells -lavendel ... Running water in a fontain - grow your own vedgebels. They energy from prayerwork will hold the energy.
Our office looks nothing like a medical office. We play soothing videos, and there are flowers everywhere. We do a monthly meditation.

Speaking of breathing: 
Yoga - breathing techniques to release stress - take a deep breath:
4 sec in - hold for 2 sec - and breath out for 7 sec :: State of relaxation (the oposite of a run)  


  1. Body: Food: emotional, physical and mentally feeding
  2. Mind: Be gentle with youself: find forgiveness, what is controlling you? - are you coming from a place of love? Find your passion and purpose. 
  3. Spirit: Be connectet to people, the planet and the purpose of life. 

The importans of touch: 
Touch is everything, or else the  brain doesnt develope. Let people know they are safe. It sets a cascade of nonstress hormones. People are attached to their animals - why? The animals are providing somthing that we dont get from humans anymore. Touch is fundamentally important. Ask people if they are comfortable if you touch them. The world would be a better place. Hugs are gold for your health. We have a t-shirt that says: Hugs heal!

Våknet med tendens til svamplunger på dag 3 med mais. Kutter ut mais. Kan være skalldyr (?). Burde ikke innført to ting på en gang. Lesson learned! Fortsetter med skalldyr. 

  • P:  3 oz hjemmelaget Yokos med litt frø 
  • G:  4 os Geisha risgrøt kokt på kokosmelk 
  • F: 6 oz; 2 oz banan  +  2 oz jordbær + 2 oz eple

  • P: 1 oz fetaost, 2 oz reker
  • V: 6 ounces grønnsaker av spinat, ruccola, gulrot og kålblanding, purreløk, jicama, og agurk
  • F: 3 oz druer og 3 oz klementin
  • F: frø 0,5 oz 

  • P: 4 oz krabbe
  • V: 14 oz grønnsaker: blomkål, løk, sopp, grønnkål...
  • F: 1 ss Aioli
  • 1 oz fett: 1 ss aioli

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