tirsdag 11. desember 2018

2018: Dag 30 - Kjøttsuppe :: Reboot Rezoom #12 dager med oppskrifter

***Vegetable Soup***

Dag 1

What you'll need to make this recipe:

▪️2-3 tsp minced garlic
▪️1 onion, diced
▪️64 oz vegetable or chicken stock
▪️1 head of cabbage
▪️1 head of cauliflower
▪️6-8 stalks of celery
▪️6-8 large carrots
▪️18 oz tomato paste
▪️salt and pepper
1. Chop up all your vegetables into bite-sized pieces
2. Saute diced onion and garlic in a spritz of cooking spray until translucent, about 5 minutes.
3. Add stock, vegetables, and tomato paste and bring to a boil.
4. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes.
5. When ready to serve: use a slotted spoon and weigh out 14 oz of vegetables and add to your bowl.
6. Add 8 oz broth to your bowl.
7. Add your prepared protein of choice. Some ideas for protein are:
▪️ground turkey or Italian sausage (4 oz for women, 6 oz for men)
▪️scrambled eggs (2 for women, 3 for men)
▪️beans or lentils (6 oz)
8. A great thing to do with the leftovers is to measure out individual dinner portions and freeze them. Then you've got a BLE dinner all ready to go, just pop it in the microwave or back on the stovetop to reheat.
9. Depending on your protein option, add 1 fat for a complete BLE dinner.
Note: This recipe can be easily modified to accommodate different vegetables. Add more or less of any vegetables and you'll still come out with a winning pot of soup.

  • 1 protein: ett glass melk (4 oz)
  • 1 frokostkorn: 4 ounce risgrøt  
  • 1 frukt: 1/2 banan + 1/2 eple rørt inn i risgrøten som er kokt på kokosmelk og laktoseredusert helmelk

  • 1 protein: 1 oz fetaost og 2 oz linser
  • 6 ounces grønnsaker/salat: agurk, erter, tomat, rotrasp, salat og spinat
  • 1 frukt: 2 mandarin
  • 1 ss olje fra fetaosten og halv avocado

  • 1 protein: 6 oz bønnemix
  • 12 oz grønt: blomkålmos, gulrøtter, brokkoli, stekt løk
  • 2 oz grønnkål i ramsløkpesto
  • 1 fett: halv avokado

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