fredag 28. desember 2018

2018: Dag 45 - 4 juledag :: Rezoom: The Free Again System - Video 3

Hvordan kan vi gjøre toppene mykere og heve nivået over farenivå, når vi går på en smell?

Food :: Action :: Support

Food: how to handle your food
Actions: you need to take and support your experience
Suppport: the amazing role support plays in your program and how to deal with the isolator

  • First in - last out. The way to start back is to wrtie down the food - get it planned. 
  • if action and support is slipping, its a red flag (the food is about to slip)
  • you need a tried and true system:  if you're high on the sustainablility scale you need a system with clare boundries, if you're low (5 and under) you can moderate adictive food that is spesific quantity - what and when to eat
  • The fewer meals, the easier it is to automatize and develop the habit. 
1. System: How do you follow the system?
  • Make sure its a plan that is evidensed. Make sure the guide has succeseded. 
  • JFTFP - just follow the f*ing plan
  • Bring up your problem to the guie
2. Planning: Write down what to eat so that you dont have to make food choises.

3. Preperation: Getting the food prepared in advansed. Cook more than you need. 
4. Structure: the more stress the more structure


Small things we can to right now (over time become habits). When we rezoom, we need to focus on tiny things: 
  • AM routine in the morning
  • PM routine in the evening
  • Tracking: writing down
Change your brain: 
The panic/danger reaction that occurs in the body, when you fall can be minimized (neutrlized - shave off those sharp pikes) by doing some excercises every day - start with one, and move to the next: 
  • Meditaion
  • Gratitude
  • Journaling


Building the identity. We are herd animals. We need to develop a communiity we belong to. Otherwize, we will not be able to swim upstreem.
Setting up your system for support:

  • recognize your isolator
  • introvert (need a lot of alonetime)
  • avoidance (feeling (?) destructive)

  • List out the way the isolator has been keeping us
  • Connect before the crash
  • Make connections a habit
  • Build the connection muscel 
  • Put on your scientific hat and find out what works for you

What does it mean to implement the system?

  • Take every break, to make i t a break threw
  • soften up the edges
  • abses and release, become your teachers and fuel to your growth
  • How to I adjust?
  • What actions do I take?
  • What is my support?
  • The struggle is your best teacher!
  • The cycles will always be there
  • Perfection is not avaliable!
Maten i dag - Lunsjen ble en banan.
Fikk time til hårklipp, og rakk ikke tilbake til lunsj.
La inn frukt til middagen som litt ekstra: 1 klementin og druer - til sammen 6 once.
Planlegging er ikke problemet, men å følge planen - det er en utfordring!

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